Not all companies have the option or ability to offer working from home.
Not all people have experienced working from home and may find this to be a real challenge.
However, in these uncertain times, and in order to mitigate the potential spread of Coronavirus, many companies are recommending and even mandating that their employees work from home. The main goal is to protect the health, safety, and well-being of our community while allowing operations to continue as seamlessly as possible.
So what can employers do to ensure success while your company works remotely?
Here's what Showpass is doing after our recent decision to have our entire office work from home:
1. Daily Meetings
We are setting up daily meetings to communicate with everyone. Communication is typically the hardest part of running any company, even when everyone is in the same office. So while everyone is working from home, regular communication and even over-communication is vital. It is important for everyone to know what the expectations are, what tasks should be prioritized, how things are progressing and what their impact can be.
2. Create your office environment
Since the risk level in Canada is still considered to be low, we have allowed employees to go into the office and pick up the proper equipment they feel are necessary to work productively. Many of us are used to that second monitor or absolutely despise the trackpad and keyboard on our laptops, so allowing our people to replicate their work environment as much as possible can only help.
3. Keep your work routine
We are continuing with all previously scheduled meetings. Just because we aren’t in the office to meet face-to-face doesn’t mean it isn’t important to continue with our regular schedule.
4. Remain healthy! Don't forget to eat
We are fortunate enough to have a corporate chef that makes us breakfast every day. To ensure everyone continues receiving a healthy meal, our chef will be meal prepping each week. Healthy breakfast and lunch meals will be prepped, packaged and delivered to each member of the team at the start of the week. Although not all companies are lucky enough to have this perk, we feel it is important to ensure the workforce has everything they need to successfully transition to remote work.
5. Utilize proper communication tools
Transitioning to working from home will be a little easier for Showpass based on the fact that we had previously chosen to use great communication platforms: Google Hangouts and Slack. We will continue leveraging these apps by:
6. Have a central hub for the company
Utilizing our centralized data hub (powered by CODA) and having a location for one source of truth. A place where we can provide all updates, prioritize and assign tasks and be transparent about what everyone is working on.
7. Remind employees about our Employee Family Assistance Program
Understanding that our employees may feel anxious, stressed or isolated during this current pandemic and while working from home, it is essential to let our people know there are resources to help them.
Other tips on transitioning to working from home can include:
The current crisis will most likely create the largest opportunity for companies to test out working from home. Let’s embrace this opportunity by communicating with and trusting our people, providing them with the right tools and ensure we help each other out during this unprecedented crisis.