In the bustling city of Vancouver, the Vancouver Giants, a renowned hockey team in Canada, found themselves at a crossroads. The Langley Events Centre, their home turf, needed a ticketing makeover and was exploring options to replace their existing solution. The Vancouver Giants, having tried various platforms, were no strangers to the ups and downs of the event and ticketing world.
The Vancouver Giants were grappling with poor customer service from their previous ticketing company, both for their customers and themselves. Frustrated by a lack of responsiveness, the Giants needed a partner who genuinely cared about their success.
Being seasoned players in the event organization game, the team also knew that customization was key. They were on a quest for a committed and agile partner who could help optimize their digital operations with a personalized and hands-on approach.
After an extensive search for a dedicated partner, the Vancouver Giants ultimately landed on Showpass to enhance their ticketing experience, marking the beginning of a dynamic collaboration.
“Showpass nailed it, their user-friendly system and ongoing support have made our ticketing smoother than ever. It's been a breeze working with them." - Vancouver Giants
From day one, Showpass collaborated closely with the Giants, tailoring ticketing options that aligned with the team's events.
Implementation, which is often the trickiest part of any system change, turned out to be a breeze. The Giants faced no roadblocks, and the real success unfolded post-implementation.
What truly made a difference for the Giants was not just Showpass’ web-based capabilities, but also the robust support system that catered to both the team and their fans’ needs, with a strong level of responsiveness and understanding. This personalized assistance not only ensured that the Giants received dedicated support for their specific requirements but also extended a heightened level of support to the fans.
A commitment to continuous improvement and a genuine willingness to assist in any way possible built a long-lasting relationship between Showpass and the Giants. The system continues to evolve based on customer and client feedback, and the Giants have turned their ticketing journey into a winning story that echoes through the Langley Events Centre.
Discover dedicated support and a seamless process that puts your event in the spotlight. Don't settle for ordinary. Get started today and chat with a member from Showpass here.