Network Management (CRM) for Greater Customer Insights

September 21, 2020

We have updated our Network Management (CRM) found in our organizer dashboard. The Network Management is a powerful tool that enables organizers to gain meaningful insights into their customers interactions with Showpass. It also allows organizers to accurately quantify and categorize data for more advanced customer targeting.

The Network Management allows organizers to manage interactions with both new and existing customers, sellers and staff in a simple dashboard. Organizers can search or utilize filters to find and update customer info, view transactions, add people to member groups and create email campaigns.

Organizers can also import customer data into the Network Management tool. However, it is the responsibility of the organizer to ensure the data is correct and does not contain any duplicates, incorrect, missing, or improperly formatted data. There is also a processing fee for processing data from multiple data sets.

The Network Management tool is a powerful feature to help organizers better understand their customer base, and help interact with customers more efficiently. The feature is in continuous development and will be regularly updated with new features and capabilities.